Monday 9 June 2014

Which digital tools will help win the General Election?

Source Wired UL

Carla Buzasi, Editor-in-chief Huffington Post UK
"It's rare to find an MP or political aide who isn't already reaping the amplifying benefits that Twitter offers, but if they want to make a greater impact outside the Westminster bubble -- and some are going to have to if they want a chance at securing even a marginal majority -- there are lots of other channels to consider. I'm biased, but blogging is a way of getting across policy ideas in a clear and concise manner, and a quick-fire way of strengthening any argument. Plenty of current and would-be MPs are already regular writers, and those unafraid to show some passion and personality are always the most effective with our readers." 
Alastair Campbell, Former Downing Street strategist
"The platforms and tools are less important than the message and messenger. Facebook is still a good platform: it's perfect for sharing photos, videos and your opponents' screw-ups -- but it's difficult to turn Likes into supporters. Twitter is terrific for spreading a campaign's positive messages and rebutting erroneous ones, and YouTube is ideal for short camera pieces and regularly updated, shareable content. The best candidates will use digital tools to engage and listen, not just broadcast -- everything flows from good messaging and a convincing narrative."
Geoff Mulgan, Chief executive, Nesta
"Campaigns will use platforms such as NationBuilder and Thunderclap to be more precise in their messaging. They will also be much more sophisticated in their digital fundraising, albeit to buy mainly non-digital ads. But I would like to see digital tech being used for the content of politics. And I would love to see Cameron and Miliband catch up with people like Park Won-soon, the mayor of Seoul, who not only reaches nearly ten per cent of his [city's] population through Twitter, but also involves them directly in making decisions."
Ngaire Woods,  Dean, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford
"The essence for me is for politicians to earn trust. Campaigns should use tools which make voters feel that politicians are listening. Choose methods that do more than send one-way 'look at me… vote for me' broadcasts. Voters want to know who will stay the course. But what I would hate is to see politicians using data to treat electorates like consumers by focus-group-testing ideas. We're citizens, not perfumes or ice-cream flavours. Too often, such testing ignores the breadth of our ideas, energy and knowledge."
Matthew McGregor, Senior digital adviser to Ed Miliband
"People often wonder what the next big thing is -- but it's actually lots of small things we should be interested in: from the ability to mobilise supporters to share a message, to easier ways for voters to connect with politicians and tools for activists to more easily join in a campaign. Labour will use some of the more traditional tools such as email and Facebook, as well as newer outlets such as Audioboo and Stackla, to motivate everyone who thinks Britain can do better and give them the tools to campaign for a change of government."
Alberto Nardelli, Cofounder, Tweetminster
"I would focus primarily on two things: make your goal winning back trust; and tell your party's story via shareable content by breaking news directly and producing content in visual, data-driven and mobile chunks. The use of specific tools per se is meaningless if you don't trust the messenger - and replicating tired slogans on Twitter or Facebook isn't effective. Lists are great, but nine things nobody cares about are still nine things nobody cares about. Although the methods used to tell stories matter, any communication needs a unifying sense of purpose."

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