Sunday 27 April 2014

50 Tweetable Twitter Tips You Wish You Knew Years Ago


Summary: 50 tips for twitter training


Optimizing Your Twitter Profile

1) Make yourself easy to recognize by using a close-up headshot of yourself as your profile picture. [click to tweet]
2) Make the most of your Twitter bio. Show off your skills and uniqueness without over-hashtagging. [click to tweet]
3) Twitter's new profile design dimensions: header photo = 1500 x 500 px | profile pic = 400 x 400 px. [click to tweet]
4) Include your URL in your Twitter bio, not just the URL field, to optimize for mobile users. [click to tweet]

What You Should Tweet

5) Structure your tweets like this to increase clicks: KEY MESSAGE - LINK #HASHTAG AFTERTHOUGHT [click to tweet]
6) Don't be entirely self-promotional on Twitter. Mix up your content and interact with your followers. [click to tweet]
7) Establish yourself as an industry thought leader by adding commentary to the links you tweet. [click to tweet]
8) Try keeping tweets short -- 100 characters instead of 140 -- to let people add their own commentary. [click to tweet]
9) Curate content you tweet from a wide variety of sources to keep your followers interested. [click to tweet]
10) Let your personality shine on Twitter. Tweet funny/interesting content along with the business content. [click to tweet]
11) Share images in your tweets to increase engagement, since images now appear inline on Twitter. [click to tweet]
12) Be real. It's okay to tweet mundane things like weather commentary or what you're eating SPARINGLY. [click to tweet]

Increasing Twitter Engagement

13) Engage with others and show appreciation for their tweets by using the favorite button as a "like." [click to tweet]
14) Be responsive on Twitter, not a robot. If someone asks you a question on Twitter, answer it! [click to tweet]
15) If you retweet every single tweet you're mentioned in, followers will think you crave attention. [click to tweet]
16) If someone regularly retweets or replies to you, add them to a list so you can return the favor. [click to tweet]
17) Twitter is a two-way conversation. Tweet questions to encourage your followers to interact with you. [click to tweet]
18) Nobody HAS to share your content on Twitter. So if someone authoritative retweets you, thank them. [click to tweet]
19) Run Twitter contests using hashtags to increase engagement quickly. It's gratifying to win! [click to tweet]

Making Sense of the Chaos

20) You don't have to follow back everyone that follows you. Doing so would clutter your stream. [click to tweet]
21) Use hashtags (#) to join relevant conversations and make your tweets easy to find. [click to tweet]
22) Use lists grouped by industry or topic to follow people you want to pay attention to on Twitter. [click to tweet]
23) Create public Twitter lists (vs. private) so members know when they're added and likely reciprocate. [click to tweet]
24) Save time by using tools like Tweetdeck or HubSpot's Social Inbox to schedule tweets for the week. [click to tweet]
25) Blocking people doesn't "block" them from your tweets, but removes them from your Twitter stream. [click to tweet]

Avoiding Silly Twitter Mistakes

26) Don't tweet at people with links to your blog hoping to get their attention. That's called spam. [click to tweet]
27) Don't send auto-DMs. Ever. No exceptions. Just don't do it. If you do, people will unfollow you. [click to tweet]
28) Don't #overuse #hashtags #in #your #tweets. Limit yourself to 1-3 hashtags per tweet. [click to tweet]
29) If you favorite every tweet someone is mentioned in, even via automation, you'll seem like a stalker. [click to tweet]
30) Don't gripe on Twitter. People like to surround themselves with positive people, not complainers. [click to tweet]
31) Long personal chats should happen over DM. Otherwise whoever follows both of you will be inundated with your tweets in their Twitter stream! [click to tweet]
32) Don't repeatedly follow and unfollow Twitter users seeking attention. They will notice ... in a bad way. [click to tweet]

Optimizing Your Twitter Stream

33) Use landscape-oriented images on Twitter, using approximately a 2:1 dimension, for the best appearance on the Twitter feed. [click to tweet]
34) Try incorporating an image into every three to four tweets so they're more prominent in a user's feed. [click to tweet]
35) Track which tweets get more replies, retweets, favorites, and clicks. Use this data to influence future tweets. [click to tweet]
36) B2C brands report 17% more engagement on weekends. B2B see better engagement Monday - Friday. [click to tweet]
37) Share important tweets four times throughout the day using different angles to cover all time zones. [click to tweet]
38) If Twitter is your morning task, schedule tweets throughout the day instead of posting them all at once. [click to tweet]

Getting More Twitter Followers

39) Measure your Twitter success not by your number of followers, but by the quality and level of engagement. [click to tweet]
40) Follow twenty people with similar interests per day. That's not overwhelming, and reciprocal followers will add up quickly. [click to tweet]
41) Tweet about Twitter itself to get more followers. @HubSpot's most-shared content is about Twitter. [click to tweet]
42) Don't follow more than a couple hundred people per day. Twitter might mistake you for a spam bot and suspend your account! [click to tweet]

Having Good Twitter Etiquette

43) If you wouldn't say something to someone's face, don't say it to them on Twitter. [click to tweet]
44) Don't try to start arguments with people on Twitter. A friendly debate is fine, but respect others' opinions. [click to tweet]
45) Don't be a troll on Twitter, no matter how angry you are. For most, Twitter isn't really anonymous, and your public anger could come back to haunt you later. [click to tweet]
46) If you tweet spoilers while live-tweeting TV shows or sporting events, use the right hashtag so people can filter it out. [click to tweet]

Optimizing Your Blog for Twitter

47) Optimize your blog post titles so when people tweet them, they're catchy enough for people to click on the links. [click to tweet]
48) Add social sharing buttons like AddThis to your blog to make each post easy for readers to tweet. [click to tweet]
49) Use Click to Tweet to provide bits of text in your blog posts readers can tweet in a single click. [click to tweet]
50) Don't overthink your tweets. If tweeting for a company, be agile without implementing a huge approval process. [click to tweet]

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